Bose–Einstein Condensates#
Problem Description#
In Bose–Einstein condensates (BEC), under some proper discretization, such as finite difference, sine pseudospectral and Fourier pseudospectral methods, we obtain its discrete version as
where \(A\) is a Hermitian matirx, and \(\alpha\) is a parameter. Consider a simplified cases where \(x\) and \(A\) are both real, we each the following optimization problem over the sphere,
In this part, we aim to show how to solve these problems with cdopt
Importing modules#
We first import all the necessary modules for this optimization problem.
import cdopt
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix, diags
from scipy.sparse.linalg import spsolve
import time
import autograd
import autograd.numpy as anp
Generating datas#
We generate necessary data. Notice that \(L\) is a sparse matrix, we apply the functions from scipy.sparse
to accelerate the computation.
n = 1000
alpha = 1
A = np.ones((n,n))
Set functions and problems#
Then we set the objective function and the Stiefel manifold. Notice that all the existing AD packages has limited support for operations on sparse matrices, we manually define the gradient and Hessian-vector product of the objective function.
def obj_fun(X):
return 0.5 * anp.sum( X* (A @ X) ) + alpha * anp.sum( X ** 4 )
M = cdopt.manifold_np.sphere_np((n,1)) # The sphere
Describe the optimization problem#
The optimization problem can be described by the manifold and the drivatives of objective function.
problem_test = cdopt.core.problem(M, obj_fun, beta = 'auto') # describe the optimization problem
Apply optimization solvers#
After describe the optimization problem, we can directly function value, gradient and Hessian-vector product from the cdopt.core.Problem
# the vectorized function value, gradient and Hessian-vector product of the constraint dissolving function. Their inputs are numpy 1D array, and their outputs are float or numpy 1D array.
cdf_fun_np = problem_test.cdf_fun_vec_np
cdf_grad_np = problem_test.cdf_grad_vec_np
cdf_hvp_np = problem_test.cdf_hvp_vec_np
## Apply limit memory BFGS solver from scipy.minimize
from scipy.optimize import fmin_bfgs, fmin_cg, fmin_l_bfgs_b, fmin_ncg
Xinit = problem_test.Xinit_vec_np # set initial point
# optimize by L-BFGS method
t_start = time.time()
out_msg = sp.optimize.minimize(cdf_fun_np, Xinit,method='L-BFGS-B',jac = cdf_grad_np, options={'disp': None, 'maxcor': 10, 'ftol': 0, 'gtol': 1e-06, 'eps': 0e-08,})
t_end = time.time() - t_start
# Statistics
feas = M.Feas_eval(M.v2m(M.array2tensor(out_msg.x))) # Feasibility
stationarity = np.linalg.norm(out_msg['jac'],2) # stationarity
result_lbfgs = [out_msg['fun'], out_msg['nit'], out_msg['nfev'],stationarity,feas, t_end]
# print results
print('Solver fval iter f_eval stationarity feaibility CPU time')
print('& L-BFGS & {:.2e} & {:} & {:} & {:.2e} & {:.2e} & {:.2f} \\\\'.format(*result_lbfgs))
Solver fval iter f_eval stationarity feaibility CPU time
& L-BFGS & 1.00e-03 & 384 & 475 & 6.48e-06 & 1.87e-06 & 0.71 \\
# optimize by Newton GLTR trust-region method
t_start = time.time()
out_msg = sp.optimize.minimize(cdf_fun_np, Xinit, method='trust-krylov',jac = cdf_grad_np, hessp = cdf_hvp_np, options={'gtol': 1e-06, 'disp': False})
t_end = time.time() - t_start
# Statistics
feas = M.Feas_eval(M.v2m(M.array2tensor(out_msg.x))) # Feasibility
stationarity = np.linalg.norm(out_msg['jac'],2) # stationarity
result_cg = [out_msg['fun'], out_msg['nit'], out_msg['nfev'],stationarity,feas, t_end]
# print results
print('Solver fval iter f_eval stationarity feaibility CPU time')
print('& TR-KRY & {:.2e} & {:} & {:} & {:.2e} & {:.2e} & {:.2f} \\\\'.format(*result_cg))
Solver fval iter f_eval stationarity feaibility CPU time
& TR-KRY & 1.00e-03 & 17 & 18 & 5.03e-07 & 4.97e-07 & 0.39 \\
# optimize by Newton conjugate gradient trust-region method
t_start = time.time()
out_msg = sp.optimize.minimize(cdf_fun_np, Xinit, method='trust-ncg',jac = cdf_grad_np, hessp = cdf_hvp_np, options={'gtol': 1e-06, 'disp': False})
t_end = time.time() - t_start
# Statistics
feas = M.Feas_eval(M.v2m(M.array2tensor(out_msg.x))) # Feasibility
stationarity = np.linalg.norm(out_msg['jac'],2) # stationarity
result_cg = [out_msg['fun'], out_msg['nit'], out_msg['nfev'],stationarity,feas, t_end]
# print results
print('Solver fval iter f_eval stationarity feaibility CPU time')
print('& TR-NCG & {:.2e} & {:} & {:} & {:.2e} & {:.2e} & {:.2f} \\\\'.format(*result_cg))
Solver fval iter f_eval stationarity feaibility CPU time
& TR-NCG & 1.00e-03 & 28 & 29 & 1.16e-08 & 1.23e-08 & 0.39 \\
Hu J, Jiang B, Liu X, et al. A note on semidefinite programming relaxations for polynomial optimization over a single sphere[J]. Science China Mathematics, 2016, 59(8): 1543-1560.