

CLASS cdopt.core.problem(manifold, obj_fun, obj_grad=None, obj_hvp=None, beta = 'auto', enable_autodiff = True, backbone = 'torch', enable_jit = True, autobeta_args = {}, **kwargs)

Problem class to define a Riemannian optimization problem.


  • manifold (cdopt.manifold) – The manifold to optimize over.

  • obj_fun (callable) – A callable function that maps a point in the space to a scalar.

  • obj_grad=None (callable, optional) – The Euclidean gradient of the objective function.

  • obj_hvp=None (callable, optional) – The Euclidean hessian-vector product of the objective function.

  • beta = ‘auto’ (str or float, optional) – The penalty parameter \(\beta\) for the constraint dissolving function. When set as 'auto', CDOpt will automatically choose the penalty parameter by a heuristic rule.

  • enable_autodiff = True (bool, optional) – Controls whether to perform the automatic differentiation packages to automatically compute essential materials. If False, the Problem class does not use any AD package. In that cases, users must provide the expression of obj_grad and obj_hvp.

  • backbone = ‘torch’ (str or core.backbone class, optional) – Determines the automatic differentiation packages. If 'torch', the Problem class uses the torch.autograd to automatically compute essential materials. If 'autograd', the Problem class uses the autograd package. Otherwise, it can be set as the user-defined backbone class.

  • enable_jit = False (bool) – Option to enable the JIT for the constraint dissolving functions. Currently, CDOpt only supports JIT for JAX package. Such option is inactive when backbone is chosen based on PyTorch or Numpy.

  • Xinit = None (Numpy array) – Option to set the initial point.

  • autobeta_args = {} (Dict) – Options for automatically choosing the penalty parameter \(\beta\).

    • 'max_samples': 100  – The number of samples.

    • 'sample_dist': 1e-2 – The sampling distance.

    • 'thresholding': 1e-5 – The lower-bound for the penalty parameter.

    • 'coeffs': 2.5 – The coefficients that adjust the penalty parameter.


beta (float)

​ The penalty parameter \(\beta\).

Xinit (NumPy array or PyTorch Tensor or JAX device array)

​ The initial point.

Xinit_np_vec (NumPy 1D array)

​ The flattened initial point.

obj_fun(x) (callable)

​ Returns the function value of \(f\).

obj_grad(x) (callable)

​ Returns the gradient of \(f\), which has the same shape as \(x\).

obj_hvp(x, v) (callable)

​ Returns the hessian-vector product of \(\nabla^2 f(x)[v] := \lim_{t \to 0} \frac{1}{t}(\nabla f(x+t) - \nabla f(x))\), which has the same shape as \(x\).

cdf_fun(x) (callable)

Returns the function value of the corresponding constraint dissolving function \(h(x)\).

cdf_grad(x) (callable)

Returns the gradient of the corresponding constraint dissolving function.

cdf_hvp(x,v) (callable)

Returns the hessian-vector product of \(\nabla^2 h(x)[v]\).

cdf_fun_vectorized(x_vec) (callable)

Returns the function value of the corresponding constraint dissolving function \(h(x)\). Here x_vec is a 1D-array or tensor.

cdf_grad_vectorized(x_vec) (callable)

Returns the gradient of the corresponding constraint dissolving function. Here x_vec is a 1D-array or tensor.

cdf_hvp_vectorized(x_vec,v_vec) (callable)

Returns the hessian-vector product of \(\nabla^2 h(x)[v]\). Here x_vec and v_vec are 1D-arrays or tensors.


class backbone_autograd(*args, **kwargs)

The AD backbone that utilizes the AD algorithms from autograd package to compute the differentials of objective function, constraints and constraint dissolving function.


backbone_autograd does not require any input parameters.


auto_diff_vjp(fun, X, D) (callable)

Returns the vector-Jacobian product for fun at X with direction D.

auto_diff_jvp(fun, X, D) (callable)

Returns the Jacobian-vector product for fun at X with direction D.

auto_diff_jacobian(fun, X) (callable)

Returns the Jacobian matrix for fun at X.

autodiff(self, obj_fun, obj_grad = None, manifold_type = 'S') (callable)

Returns the tuple(obj_grad, obj_hvp) , where obj_grad refers to the gradient of the obj_fun, and obj_hvp refers to the hessian-vector product of obj_fun.

array2tensor(X_array) (callable)

Returns the variable the adapts the autograd package from the numpy array X_array.

tensor2array(X_tensor) (callable)

Returns the numpy array from the variable that adapts the autograd package.

solve (callable)

Alias of the autograd.numpy.linalg.solve. In general, solve should act as the numpy.linalg.solve and compatible with the AD backbone.

identity_matrix (callable)

Alias of the autograd.numpy.eye. In general, identity_matrix should return an identity matrix, whose type should be compatible with the AD backbone.

zero_matrix (callable)

Alias of the autograd.numpy.zeros. In general, zero_matrix should return an zero matrix, whose type should be compatible with the AD backbone.

func_sum (callable)

Alias of the autograd.numpy.sum. In general, func_sum should act as the numpy.sum and compatible with the AD backbone.

func_sqrt (callable)

Alias of the autograd.numpy.sqrt. In general, func_sqrt should act as the numpy.sqrt and compatible with the AD backbone.

var_type (str)

Record the type of the variables in the backbone.


class backbone_autograd(*args, **kwargs)

The AD backbone that utilizes the AD algorithms from autograd package to compute the differentials of objective function, constraints and constraint dissolving function.


  • device = torch.device('cup') (torch device) – Specify the location of the variables.

  • dtype = torch.float64 (torch types) – Specify the type of the variables.


auto_diff_vjp(fun, X, D) (callable)

Returns the vector-Jacobian product for fun at X with direction D.

auto_diff_jvp(fun, X, D) (callable)

Returns the Jacobian-vector product for fun at X with direction D.

auto_diff_jacobian(fun, X) (callable)

Returns the Jacobian matrix for fun at X.

autodiff(self, obj_fun, obj_grad = None, manifold_type = 'S') (callable)

Returns the tuple(obj_grad, obj_hvp) , where obj_grad refers to the gradient of the obj_fun, and obj_hvp refers to the hessian-vector product of obj_fun.

array2tensor(X_array) (callable)

Returns the pytorch tensor from the numpy array X_array.

tensor2array(X_tensor) (callable)

Returns the numpy array from the pytorch tensor.

solve (callable)

Alias of the torch.linalg.solve.

identity_matrix (callable)

Alias of the torch.eye.

zero_matrix (callable)

Alias of the torch.zeros.

func_sum (callable)

Alias of the toch.sum.

func_sqrt (callable)

Alias of the torch.sqrt.

var_type (str)

Record the type of the variables in the backbone.