CLASS symp_stiefel_np(var_shape)
This manifold class defines the hyperbolic manifold manifold, i.e.
var_shape ( (int, int) ) – The shape of the variables of the manifold.
must equal to \(2\).
The constraint dissolving mapping \(\mathcal{A}(x)\).
Describe the constraints \(c\).
Flatten the variable of the manifold.
Recover flattened variables to its original shape as variable_shape
Init_point(Xinit = None)
Generate the initial point.
Transfer the variable of the manifold to the numpy Nd-array while keep its shape. Default settings are provided in the core.backbone_autograd
Transfer the numpy Nd-array to the variable of the manifold while keep its shape. Default settings are provided in the core.backbone_autograd
JC(x, lambda)
The Jacobian of C(x)
JC_transpose(x, lambda)
The transpose of \(J_c(x)\), expressed by matrix-vector production.
JA(x, d)
The transposed Jacobian of \(\mathcal{A}(x)\).
JA_transpose(x, d)
The transpose (or adjoint) of JA(x)
, i.e. \(\lim_{t \to 0} \frac{1}{t}(J_A(x+td) -J_A(x)) \).
Returns the quadratical penalty term \(||c(x)||^2\).
hessA(X, U, D)
Returns the Hessian of \(\mathcal{A}(x)\) in a tensor-vector product form.
hess_feas(X, D)
Returns the hessian-vector product of \(\frac{1}{2} ||c(x)||^2\).
Returns the feasibility of \(x\), measured by value of \(||c(x)||\).
Return the post-processing for X
to achieve a point with better feasibility.
generate_cdf_fun(obj_fun, beta)
Return the function value of the constraint dissolving function. obj_fun
is a callable function that returns the value of \(f\) at \(x\). beta
is a float object that refers to the penalty parameter in the constraint dissolving function.
generate_cdf_grad(obj_grad, beta)
Return the gradient of the constraint dissolving function. obj_grad
is a callable function that returns the gradient of \(f\) at \(x\). beta
is a float object that refers to the penalty parameter in the constraint dissolving function.
generate_cdf_hess(obj_grad, obj_hvp, beta)
Return the hessian of the constraint dissolving function. obj_grad
is a callable function that returns the gradient of \(f\) at \(x\). obj_hvp
is the hessian-vector product of \(f\) at \(x\), i.e., \(\nabla^2 h(x)[d]\). beta
is a float object that refers to the penalty parameter in the constraint dissolving function.